Google Play Games Services
Where is this feature available?
This feature is available only through Google Play Android platforms such as Android devices and the Google Play emulator on PC.
Is Play Games Services account binding automatically applied to my account?
Play Games Services account binding should be active by default if you use the "Play Games" application on your Android device and are ...
If my game account is bound with Google or another method, will I still be able to sign in to my account?
Yes, you will still be able to sign into the account by using the original binding method. Disabling the PGS sign-in for FFBE in Play Games ...
Will I be able to use PGS binding if my account is already bound with another method?
Yes, when playing FFBE through Play Games, PGS account binding is automatically turned on.
How do I know if my game account data has been successfully bound with PGS?
Once you sign-in to your game account and reach the Home screen, head to Settings > Options > Account Binding. There you will be able ...
Why is PGS not binding with my game account?
Check your Play Games settings to ensure account binding is active for FFBE and that no other FFBE accounts are currently bound to your...
Why is the automatic sign-in feature not working properly?
You may be signed out of your PGS account within the Play Games application for FFBE. Please check your settings and try again.
My account is bound with Facebook and PGS. Why am I unable to access my FFBE Facebook friend list?
You may be signed into your game account via PGS rather than Facebook Sign-in. To access your FFBE Facebook friend list, proceed to Play Gam...
Why is the button to change binding methods disabled when logged in with Play Games Services?
Play Games Services is a different type of account binding service that links your FFBE account data to your Play Games user activity. For t...
Why is the logout button disabled when logged in with Play Games Services?
Play Games Services has an automatic sign-in feature, so you will be immediately signed-in when you reach the title screen. To return to the...